Saturday 7 March 2015

Tips On How To Impress On A First Date

Read  below:
  1. Develop a solid self-image: You need to have a healthy self-image in order to make a great impression naturally. Therefore, before you leave on your date, you need to remind yourself: what's great about you? Also, remember the times when you had your most successful dates. That will give you a positive boost.
  2. Be a good communicator: This applies to both being great when speaking and when listening too. Pay real attention when your date is talking, so that they feel you're actually interested in what they are saying. If you're a little shy, paying attention will help you reveal what to ask them or speak about next. Also, attention is the key to charisma and unlocking chemistry. Try not to talk too much about previous relationships when you're speaking, and do not talk negatively about them.
  3. Control your inner voice: It's very important that you learn to control the little voice in your head, because this inner dialogue will determine your confidence level. Don't forget that it's going to be speaking to you anyway, so you have to train it to speak in a way that's going to help you achieve your desired outcome. Decide that you will only say things to yourself that are positive and supportive of how you wish to feel. This way, you'll be able to monitor your inner voice and accept nothing less than what you want to hear.
  4. What's your outcome? Be sure of the kind of impression you wish to make. How do you want to come across to a potential partner - good-humoured, sophisticated, fun or relaxed? These are some important things you need to decide in advance about the kind of impression you want to make.
  5. Defeat the microexpression trap: Microexpressions can flash over your face involuntarily and betray true emotions. Even if you have succeeded in convincing yourself to look happy during a date, one unexpected distraction can reveal emotions you would rather not share. Five out of six of the universal emotions - disgust, anger, fear, sadness, happiness and surprise – are, honestly, not ideal first date material. How can you make sure these microexpressions don't show up and sabotage your date? The answer is simple - change your thoughts, not your expression. For instance, press the pause button on your worries. Free yourself of any burdens and you will make a far better impression.
Source: PulseNG 

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