Saturday 26 March 2016

13 Things That You Will Experience If You Speak The Truth Always

Speaking the truth is rewarding. Speaking only the truth opens up new paths in life, relationships and even careers. While difficult, focusing on being 100% honest is a characteristic that should be strived for every day. People who speaks the truths have more to offer than people who lie. Here are 13 reasons why you should always speak the truth.

1. It opens your heart
When you speak with honesty, it usually stems from your inside passion, compassion and interests. When you’re talking with your friend, lover or coworker, start by being honest while talking to them. You will showcase what interests and fuels you, while also bettering the state of your heart because honesty feels, and looks better from the outside.
2 You forget fear
When dealing with truths, a lot of people will feel butterflies inside their stomach when they present a lie. Remember the last time you lied to someone’s face? What did you feel? Was the pit of your stomach twisting, was your chest right? Did you walk around with fear hoping they would not find out you lied? Being honest sheds all of these issues. The more you are honest, the more fear will not reside in you.
3. You will become more authentic to the people around you
When dealing with situations where you are being honest instead of fictitious, people will witness your character and feel more inclined to notice you as a “one of a kind” friend to them.
4. The truth saves you from a lot of trouble
This can’t be stressed enough. Being honest saves you the stress of digging yourself in a hole by lying. If someone finds out the lie, you have not only dug yourself deeper, but have to dig yourself out. Why not just be truthful instead?
5. It will shape up your morals
When dealing with honesty, often the moral issue of feeling guilty about a situation will break away from you. Instead, morally safe situations will be open to you and your life. If your gut, spirit and even head feel wrong about something happening? Speak up and speak the truths. Soon you will trust your decisions more often than not.
6. Your spirit will be more at ease
Whether religious or spiritual, opening yourself up to a more honest lifestyle will soothe your soul and promote a more productive, healthy and positive person to promote to others.
7. Others will seek you out
Friends, family and even acquaintances will notice when you’re giving an honest opinion. If you always speak the truths, more people will feel safer and at ease while asking your 100%, honest opinion on an issue.
8. People will listen to you
Coupled with the above note, people will feel more inclined to listen to your advice and even act on it. When you value your truths instead of your lies, others will take care to really hear what you have to say, because now you promote value and authenticity by being embedded in truths.
9. Honesty opens up more paths to a better career
Who wants to work in a place where they have to lie to move upwards? No one. While in the process of interviewing, save the hassle of lying to yourself and the people looking to hire you. You will land a better job for you when you are being direct and honest in your approach.
10. Honesty makes your love life more whole
Whether in a long term relationship or single, being truthful is the key to a better romantic life. Your partner will appreciate honesty in the worst of times, making the path to resolve easier to see and walk together. Being honest while single betters your chances at finding someone you truly care about. No one wants to start a relationship full of deceit.
11. Your creative side will flourish
People who lead artistic lives don’t do so to lie and manipulate others. They do it with honesty and their entire soul, body and truth invested in it. Start being truthful and watch your creative identity flourish.
12. Your beauty will last longer
People have discussed that being a better person results in you having better looks. Think about it, lying puts stress on you, whether by guilt or fear of others finding out your lie. Added stress results in loss of hair, wrinkles and even stops you from smiling. Speak the truths to make your appearance beautiful and increase your luscious longevity.
13. It betters you
No one wants to have a friend, companion, child, sibling or parent that lives in a world of lies. Think about whom you call your best friend, how often are they honest with you? If it’s often, that’s why you love and value them. Seek out a lifestyle full of 100% honesty, and watch how many people begin to value you.

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