If your memory serves you well, then you’ll remember that
in the episode “Abra Kadabra” that aired a few months back, the titular villain
casually mentioned a “DeVoe” in the same breath as Eobard Thawne and Hunter
Zolomon, citing him as one of Barry Allen’s greatest nemeses. Well, in “Finish
Line,” Savitar became the second villain with knowledge of the future to let
that name slip, further strengthening the possibility that we’ll see the
Thinker come this fall.
Should this pan out we fully expect the
producers to amalgamate various versions of the Thinker to appear in the
comics, just as they did with the likes of Reverse-Flash and Zoom. Heck, even
Savitar was a consolidation of his counterpart to have appeared on the
printed page with the Future Flash. That said, we’ll just have to wait and see
if the small screen DeVoe will be a criminal mastermind or an artificial
The Flash airs on Tuesday nights on The CW.
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