Sunday, 16 September 2018

Jaywon defends his comment about Beverly Osu's controversial photoshoot

Jaywon has come out to give reason why he commented on Beverly Osu photoshoot.
Jaywon, had earlier made this post on twitter about the photoshoot “I really don't see anything wrong with what Beverly Osu did. It’s left for her and God to judge but Nigerians always like to judge people once religion is involved. Leave your life and let others do their thing; the consequences are for them and not you.”

Now in a recent interview, Jaywon has opened up on why he had to comment on Beverly's picture. He said “I commented because I feel whatever anybody does should be their business. People always like to play the role of being God's soldiers. People should learn to ignore some things and stop judging others; they should be bothered about their own relationship with God. People just talk sometimes because they want to trend. I used to get emotional about people’s comments, but now it doesn't weigh me down anymore.”

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