Tuesday 16 August 2016

Tommy Merlyn May Return In Arrow

If you cast your mind back to the Arrow season one finale of that series, you’ll no doubt remember that Oliver Queen’s best friend, Tommy Merlyn, died during The Glades Earthquake. It was that event which inspired Green Arrow to give up his killer methods of fighting crime, but could Flashpoint result in a resurrection for the character?

Asked about that during a recent interview, Arrow alum Colin Donnell said the following: “I can’t tell you how many people I’ve talked to about the possibility and how it could possibly happen. It’s not out of the realm of possibility.”

That’s a pretty vague statement in all honesty, but Tommy returning to the fold would certainly be an interesting and unexpected twist. As of right now, we really don’t know how much Flashpoint will change Arrow but the return of some long thought dead characters would certainly shake things up a bit.

Arrow returns to The CW on October 5th.


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