Saturday 20 October 2012

Nawa oo.. Teacher Cuts Off Girls' Hair For Not Wearing Hijab

A primary school teacher in Egypt , who wears niqab, or full face veil , has been sanctioned after cutting the hair of two 9-year-old girls as punishment for not obeying orders to wear Muslim headscarvesto class, press reports said on Thursday.
The incident has fuelled fears that the country’s Islamist government is emboldening extremist movements and encroaching on personal rights in the nameof religion.
Berbesh Khairi El-Rawi decried the teacher ’saction and filed a formal complaint against her, and she was sanctioned with the loss of a month’s salary.
A daily, Al-Masry al-Youm quoted the womanas saying: “I did not imagine that cutting offtwo centimetres (of hair) was a great crime.
“I was joking with them when one of the students got out some scissors and asked me to carry out my threat. I did it to maintain my authority.”


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