Sunday 29 May 2016

Characters Who Should Appear On The Flash Season Three

This week saw The Flash race to the end of its current run with one of its most shocking episodes ever. The show’s sophomore outing might not have been as widely loved its first season, but it was definitely highly entertaining which was largely due to the many characters from the comic book mythology that were introduced. We had Jay Garrick, Killer Frost, Zoom, Wally West, Jesse Quick.

If season three has any hopes of beating season two, then, it needs to dive even deeper in to the source material and deliver some new characters we’ve yet to see on the show, or evolve other characters into the heroes or villains they usually are in the comics.

The producers certainly have their work cut out for them in finding a new major villain, after burning through both Eobard Thawne and Hunter Zolomon, but while they figure out who the hero’s next major antagonist should be, they should also consider adding some of the following eight characters into the mix next year.

8) Elongated Man

DC’s answer to Mr. Fantastic, Elongated Man is a prime example of the sort of hero the Arrowverse can highlight, seeing as the big hitters are off the table thanks to the movies. He’s not a bargain bin hero, however, as he’s actually a pretty big deal, being a frequent member of the Justice League. As such, it would be great to see the guy turn up in The Flash season three.
Elongated Man’s alter ego, Ralph Dibny, was mentioned in season one as someone who died in the particle accelerator explosion. However, what does that matter? They could just have him presumed dead before he makes his return as Elongated Man in season three.
On the other hand, there might not be a long-term role for the character on the show, so maybe he could just be introduced on The Flash only to hop over to Legends of Tomorrow to join the Waverider crew for that show’s second season?
Either way, we’d love to see Elongated Man join the Arrowverse, as he’d make a great addition to any of The CW’s superhero series.

7) Killer Frost (Earth-1)

Fans were always expecting Caitlin Snow to turn into Killer Frost as per the comics, but season two of The Flash subverted this expectation by making the character the Earth-2 version of Caitlin. Now that the character is dead, however, we think it might be time for Dr. Snow to take on the identity herself.
Killer Frost is a pretty major DC villain, so it would be very surprising if The Flash had washed its hands of her already. It would also make perfect sense for Caitlin to snap, after the terrible experiences Zoom put her through in the second half of season two.
Alternatively, Killer Frost has had multiple iterations in the comics, so the character’s return doesn’t have to involve Caitlin. The original version of her was Crystal Frost (who was actually in love with Martin Stein). Perhaps this could be Caitlin’s mother that we’ve heard was a cold and unfeeling parent?

6) Pied Piper (As An Ally)

The Pied Piper is one of the more interesting members of The Flash’s rogues gallery as he is not always an out and out villain and has become an anti-hero and a full-on ally of the hero’s in the comics.
The character’s journey was echoed in the show this year, when Barry’s tinkering with the timeline resulted in Hartley Rathaway becoming a better person who’s on good terms with Team Flash. We haven’t seen him since then, however, so next season it would be nice for the character to return as a friend, as per the comics, and actively lend a hand with his supersonic powers.
An important storyline in the comics sees Hartley framed for his parents murder, with Wally West’s Flash aiming to solve the mystery to free him. This would be a very easy story for the series to adapt and would also introduce the real killer of Hartley’s parents…

5) Mirror Master

Pretty much all of the Rogues (the core group of Flash enemies that includes Captain Cold, Heatwave, Weather Wizard and the Trickster) have found a place in the TV series, with one surprising exception – the Mirror Master. Given that his fellow Rogues first appeared in season one, this guy can’t be put off any longer and needs to show up in season three.
As you might be able to guess, Sam Scudder is a criminal with all sorts of mirror-related powers – including the ability to merge with his reflection, which allows him to commit his crimes and then get clean away. It is an interesting skillset that would fit perfectly with The Flash’s tone and would surely provide a decent challenge for Barry. What’s more, he was voiced by Joss Whedon favourite Alexis Denisof in the Justice League Unlimited animated series, and we think the actor would make an awesome choice for a live-action take on the character, too.

4) Supergirl

Supergirl and The Flash are perhaps the most well-matched superheroes in the Arrowverse, as proven by the “Worlds Finest” episode of Supergirl’s first season in which Barry arrived on Kara’s Earth. The two of them are both largely optimistic superheroes and Melissa Benoist and Grant Gustin have terrific chemistry.
Now that Supergirl is moving to The CW, we’ll hopefully see a lot more of these characters teaming up. Whether a Flashpoint-type reboot realigns Supergirl and The Flash into one universe or they open more multiversal breaches, it just has to happen.
The first order of business should be to have Kara crossover onto The Flash to repay the favour. We think she would slot in to the STAR Labs team like a house on fire. And if she brought The Martian Manhunter with her – so we could have two founding members of the Justice League on screen together – that would make it all the more

3) Max Mercury

Barry Allen may win the award for Most Father Figures In A Single Television Show, what with Henry Allen, Joe West and Harrison Wells, but – hey – he could always use another, right?
In the comics, Max Mercury is one of DC’s oldest speedsters – he was originally called Quicksilver when he was introduced in 1940, but Marvel later nabbed the name. As a veteran hero, he’s often a mentor to the Flash in the comics. He’s also an expert on the Speed Force, which was finally  introduced properly at the end of season two. Given this, it would seem that season three would be a perfect time to introduce Max into the show.
Alternatively, his body was stolen by evil speedster The Rival in the comics, so he could be used as next season’s big bad instead. If nothing else, the character would definitely lend himself to the “trusted friend is actually the villain” template that The Flash‘s writers clearly love.

2) Bart Allen

The Flash looks to going in a similar direction to Arrow in the future, as it seems to be building a team of speedsters around Barry, just like Oliver has a gang of archers. Next season we may well have Wally West and Jesse Quick, but if they wanted to add in yet another one into the mix, the obvious choice would be to bring in Bart Allen – Barry’s grandson from the future.
In the comics, Bart is born with a hyper-extended metabolism, which meant he grew up at an alarming rate. Bart’s parents sent him back in time in the hope that the Flash could save him. He did, and Bart became a member of Team Flash, first going by the name Impulse, then Kid Flash and then, finally, The Flash, after Wally West’s supposed death. Fans are already starting to ask if he’ll show up at some point, so the showrunners might as well act like The Flash and insert him into the show quickly.

1) Cobalt Blue

Back in season one, there were a lot of theories that Iris’ boyfriend Eddie Thawne would become a villain – seeing how every member of the Thawne family in the comics has gone on to become a bad ‘un. In the end, Eddie actually sacrificed himself to stop the Reverse Flash. But have we really seen the last of the character?
In his final scene, he appeared to be wearing a talisman around his neck. Such a trinket usually belongs to Cobalt Blue AKA Malcolm Thawne. In the comics, Malcolm is actually Barry’s long-lost twin brother who used a magic talisman in his quest to steal Barry’s life – his friends, loved ones and, most importantly, his speed.
This would definitely fit Eddie, who was always jealous of Iris and Barry’s relationship. No one stays dead on this show either, so it wouldn’t be too far-fetched for Eddie to come back as a twisted version of himself. Going by that easter egg from season one, maybe this has been the plan all along?

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