WhatsApp have confirmed that status updates will begin showing ads in year 2020. At an annual Facebook Marketing Summit in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Facebook offered a first look at how its ads would look once implemented.
This revelation was confirmed on Twitter by Olivier Ponteville, the media head at a digital marketing agency based out of Brussels. According to Ponteville, the advertisements will be shown between Whatsapp stories, just like Instagram stories.
In a video ads preview, Olivier explained that stories would be displayed entirely on the screen and a link will redirect users to the website.
Facebook's intentions to monetise WhatsApp had earlier forced the hugely popular messaging service's co-founders to leave the company.
This revelation was confirmed on Twitter by Olivier Ponteville, the media head at a digital marketing agency based out of Brussels. According to Ponteville, the advertisements will be shown between Whatsapp stories, just like Instagram stories.
In a video ads preview, Olivier explained that stories would be displayed entirely on the screen and a link will redirect users to the website.
Facebook's intentions to monetise WhatsApp had earlier forced the hugely popular messaging service's co-founders to leave the company.
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