Sunday, 6 December 2015

Don’t Turn God To A Wicked Being

By Hafeez Onitilo

I know many of you might be wondering how can we turn God to a wicked being, it is totally impossible and yes I agree with you but what if you were told that due to the way you pray to God you might just be asking him to be a wicked being.
I was asked by a female friend of mine about two week ago to follow her to her church youth program, it was a prayer/get together program, at first I didn’t want to go but after she pleaded I decided to follow make e no be like say I dey do shakara . Just like she said the youth people in her church were very nice and friendly at least the few I chatted with before the program began. The program started with the prayer section which must have lasted close to two hours not too sure because I left an hour into the prayer. I am sure you must all be wondering why did I leave during the prayer session at least I should have waited till the end of the program but make I explain myself. The prayer started on a very cool note that I felt like a Christian but after thirty minutes going to forty five minutes the course of the prayer started to change and honestly I became so uncomfortable and when I couldn’t take it anymore I just left. After the prayer my friend noticed that I was gone and she was pissed because when she called me to voiced her anger, she was more pissed with the fact that I left without telling her. I apologized to her, pleaded with her not to be angry that I had to leave because I got a very important and urgent call which was a lie. Later that night I started to think about what happened that made me leave the program and that was when I realized that it wasn’t about the length of the prayer but what they were actually saying in the prayer that got to me.

Now I must say this that I have been to a lot of church program and I most time stay throughout the program but this one was different there was just something that wasn’t just right. Like I said it was their prayer request that made me leave, the person that was leading the prayer was the one that started it, after saying we should thank the lord for the good things He has been doing in our lives, the next prayer point was when I started to wonder what kind of prayer they were doing. If it was a deliverance I might probably understand but it was just a normal prayer session so hearing words like “Father anybody that is trying to block my success Father Lord please let your Holy Ghost fire consume them” and “Daddy please let all the people that are planning or plotting any evil thing against me daddy destroy their life let them die in Jesus name” and to my surprise everybody shouted amen saying “amen”. Now I know you might probably be saying it is a good prayer that they were praying against any form of evil that might want to attack them which I am not saying is a bad thing to do but where I am finding it difficult to comprehend is the “fire consuming them or dying part”.

The Lord is not a wicked God at least we all know that so I wondering why someone will be asking God to kill someone and they will be saying amen to that. Yes they are praying against their enemy but what kind of prayer is that? asking the Lord to kill someone to me that doesn’t sound like a prayer as a matter of fact I don’t see any difference between their enemy and they themselves. I am sure we were told never to pay evil with evil so how does asking God to kill your enemy depict a good thing that will make people say amen. I mean what about this kind of prayer “Father please anybody that is plotting any evil thing against me Father lord please don’t let them be successful or “Daddy who so ever is planning  to block my success Father I pray in the name of Jesus their plan should not work”. Have I not successfully ask God for his protection over me? You can correct me if am wrong but this kind of prayer shouldn’t be what a true believer should be saying unless you technically want to turn the Lord to a wicked God because you asking Him to kill someone for you is a wicked act. Now let assume that such prayers was accepted because I am sure it can’t be accepted and that your enemy was consumed by the Holy Ghost fire, who do you think will take the blame on judgment day or have you forgotten that every human shall be held accountable for his actions? You might not understand it now probably because you have never thought about it the way I have done but believe you me asking the Lord to kill your enemy or the Lord should destroy your enemy is as much as a sin as you actually doing bad things to people.

The fact that you could even wish some death is a sin on its own now not talk about you putting it in prayer or have you also forgotten that intention speaks louder than words?, and that as humans we are judged based on our intention. If you fall under this category I urge you to change because it's far better and more rewarding when you prayer for your own protection and ask God to change the mind of your enemy toward you than you asking the Lord to consume them with fire.

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